Danish Maritime Authority launches digital seafarer certificates


The Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) has announced the launch of a range of digital certificates for seafarers, alongside a number of additional digital self-service systems for shipping companies, staffing companies and educational institutions.

The new online facilities will allow seafarers to manage access to their own digital certificates, applications, qualifications, as well as their seagoing service, selecting how they share their certificates with their company. DMA has also introduced a seafarers’ app to simplify access to the service for crewmembers.

Shipping companies and manning agencies can now gain access to the digital certificates that have been shared by seafarers through the online platform and can apply for recognition certificates through the self-service system. Online verification of all STCW, medical and ship certificates is provided.

Maritime educational institutions and course providers can also access the platform to report exams, courses, and certificates of proficiency for seafarers.

For a transitional period following the introduction of the digital certificates the Danish Maritime Authority says that it will continue to print all certificates until it is sure that all relevant external authorities will accept the digital versions.