The vessel “Shair Sabir” again went to foreign waters after the completion of the repair


The overhaul of the universal cargo ship “Shair Sabir” that belongs to the Marine Sea Fleet of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping CJSC (ASCO) was completed.

The repair was carried out at the Zikh Ship Construction and Repair Yard and completed in time.

Following the work plan, main and auxiliary engines, mechanisms, and air compressors underwent repair. Also, the overhaul included pipe installation work, electrical installation, automation, and hull welding works.

The underwater and surface parts, engine room, and deck were abraded and painted. The living and service rooms of the crew have been renovated in accordance with modern requirements.

After the completion of the repair, the vessel successfully passed the relevant checks and was again returned to cargo transportation in the waters outside the Caspian Sea. Now, the ship “Shair Sabir”, loaded with local carbamide, set off in the direction of Turkey.

It should be noted that the ship “Shair Sabir” has been sailing in outer waters under the flag of Azerbaijan since 2016.

The vessel is 108.33 meters long and 16.74 meters wide and has a carrying capacity of 5200 tons.