Tecnicas Reunidas is Looking for a Deputy Project Director


Job Description


The Operations Manager will report to the Project Director mobilized at Site and will assume his responsibilities in his absence. On site, he will provide coordination and management to the main Field Engineering, Procurement and Construction activities of the Project.

The responsibilities of the Operations Manager will be as follows:

  • Define and bring into effect, by means of criteria, instructions, directives, procedures or any other method, the preparation and drawing up of the Design, Procurement, Construction and Precommissioning and Commissioning documents in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.
  • Analyze and channel technical matters that require the help of organizations which are external to the Project.
  • Establish Project organization and control the necessary human resources, working jointly with the heads of departments.
  • Lead and coordinate all the Project groups: engineering, purchasing and construction at Site, establishing the programme of activities and ensuring satisfactory outcome of the tasks.
  • Resolve conflicts, working jointly with the Field Engineering Manager, the Procurement Manager and the Site Manager, as appropriate, arising from non- conformity reports and coordinate the corrective measures.


– More than 10 years of experience in Oil and Gas;

– Bachelor degree education;

– Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English and Azerbaijani;

– The ability to use computerized technology;

– Ability to handle the responsibilities indicated in “Job Description”.

Eligible candidates send your CV in English to nbakarova@tecnicasreunidas.es   19.08.2020 with subject line: Deputy Project Director.

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the further stages of the recruitment process.