Turkey launches ship-to-ship LNG transfer


Turkey launched the world’s biggest ship-to-ship LNG transfers on January 2 in the mediterranean port of Dortyol, Mehmet Tecimen, oil utilities regional director of Turkish Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS) announced.

Specifically, Mehmet Tecimen, noted that this FSRU vessel anchored in Dortyol, is the largest FSRU globally, reaching the 345 meters in length, according to Anadolu Agency.


In February 2018 Turkey launched this second FSRUwith 20 million cubic meters of send-out capacity per day in the Dortyol port. The unit has 263,000 cubic meters of LNG storage capacity, the largest capacity worldwide.

According to Tecimen, Al Sadd vesse, which transfers LNG from Qatar to the Dortyol terminal and has a capacity of 206,000 cubic meters, and BOTAS’s vessel are both the largest vessels in their field and it will take two days to conduct the world’s largest ship-to-ship LNG transfer operation in which natural gas converted from LNG will be injected into Turkey’s natural gas pipeline system.

Concluding, Turkey aims to limit dependency on pipeline gas through FSRUs, and therefore, these units dock at ports close to regions with higher gas demand.