June 14, round table was held in Astana on the theme: “Transport infrastructure development, increase of efficiency and competitiveness of traffic through Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”.


    Press release of International Association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”

    Participants of international transport corridors got acquainted with the opportunities and prospects of TITR in Astana.

      Over 80 heads and representatives of railways, port administrations, transport associations, shipping and transport-logistic companies of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, China, Turkey, Poland,Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova participated in the discussion organized by the International Association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”.

     During the round table, Kazakhstani and foreign experts discussed the development of regular container services, the use of opportunities and prospects for transport along the Trans-Caspian route, the opening of the Baku – Tbilisi – Akhalkalaki – Kars railway line, and expansion of the port infrastructure.

     Vice-president of the Turkish company Arkas Logistics Services Group M.Ciper highly appreciated the possibility of transshipment of cargos to Turkey via TITR using intermodal transport and port connections.

     As a result of the round table, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the International Association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”and Association of Transport and Communications of China.

     On the same day, the General meeting of founders of International Association “Trans-Caspian International Transport Route”was held, where the issues of reviewing applicable tariffs and approval of new tariff rates for TITR, including rates through the Black Sea ports of Ukraine were discussed.

    By the decision of the General Meeting, PKP Broad Gauge Railway Line Ltd (Poland) was admitted to the Association as a new associate member.