The list of higher education institutions and training centers recognized by the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Educational and Training Centers

I. Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy

Baku city, Z.Aliyeva str.18
AZ 1000 Azerbaijan Republic
Tel.: (0099412) 493 75 21
Fax.: (0099412) 493 75 21

Rector: Aliyev Chingiz
Tel.:(+ 99412) 493-36-44 (124), (+ 99412) 493-09-19, (+99412) 493 75 21
Vice- rector: : Naghıyev Faiq
Tel.: (+ 994 012) 493-36-44 (230)

In the Centre of Training and Certification of seafarers of the Azerbaijan State Maritime Academy which was established by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 8th, 2000 the courses on special trainings are held for masters, officers and ratings as well as, updating and refresher courses in accordance with the IMO model courses of the international Convention on STCW-78, as amended.

The name of specialities:

1. Shipbuilding and Repairing Engineering
2. Marine Energy Gears Explotation Engineering
3. Marine Navigation Engineering
4. Transport Planning and traffic Engineering
5. Electrical Engineering
6. Process Automation Engineering

II. Azerbaijan Maritime College in the State Maritime Academy

Baku city,Khatai district, Javanshir str.3, passage 823,
AZ 1008 Azerbaijan Republic
Tel.: (+99412) 371-95-84

Fax: (+99412) 379-03-24
URL: www
Director: Aghamalıyev Namig

1. The exploitation of ship energy devices
2. The exploitation of ship energy devices and automatic facilities
3. Sea navigation
4. Shiprepairing
5. İnstallation of ship machine and mechanisms, their technical maintenance
6. Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

III. Training Centre of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company ACSC

Baku city, passage 823, Salyan highway 23
AZ 1023 Azerbaijan Republic
Tel.: 5210000(24953)
URL: www
Director: Emin Manafov

Courses on special trainings for the of masters, officers and ratings as well as, updating and refresher courses are held In the Training Centre relevant to the IMO model courses of the International Convention on STCW-78, as amended.

1.Basic training and qualifications on oil and chemical tanker cargo operations;
2. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations;
3. Crowd management training;
4. Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers;
5. Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training;
6. Crisis management and human behaviour training;
7. Ship Security Officer;
8. Training for seafarers with designated security duties;
9. Proficiency in survival craft and boats other than fast rescue boats;
10. Ship Security-related familiarization security-awareness training;
11. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats;
12. Training in advanced fire-fighting;
13. International Safety Management Code;
14. Dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes;
15. Medical first aid;
16. Safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers;
17. Medical Care on Board;
18. Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS);
19. Ship Handling and Maneuvering;
20. Bridge Resource Management;
21. Radar, ARPA, bridge teamwork and search and rescue (Management Level);
22. Radar navigation, radar plotting and use of ARPA (Operational Level);
23. Engine resource management;
24. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System restricted operator;
25. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System general operator
26. Advanced training for chemical tanker cargo operations;
27. Inert Gas System;
28. Ship’s Gas Analysers and Their Operation;
29. Leadership and Teamwork;
30. Ship Diesel Energy Equipment Simulator;
31. Ship safety officer

In addition, the following practical equipment is located in the center to ensure practical trainings:
1. AT gravitational-type rescue boat;
2. Rescue boat “Wiking”
3. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)(production of POSEİDON and TRANSAS firms) simulator;
4. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) real equipment;
5. Radar navigation, radar plotting and use of ARPA (production of POSEİDON firm)simulator;
6. Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) simulator;
7. Proficiency in fast rescue boat (production of TRANSAS firm) simulator

IV. Training, Education and Certification Department of SOCAR
Training Centre on Safety life at Sea

Baku city, Salyan highway 23
AZ 1020 Azərbaijan Republic
Director:Aliyev Sadir
Tel.: 521-28-19
Mob.: (050) 292-12-90

Special courses are held in the Trainig Centre on Safety life at Sea for the masters, officers and ratings in accordance with the IMO model courses of the International Convention on STCW-78.
1. Basic training and qualifications on oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
2. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations;
3. Crowd management training;
4. Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers;
5. Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training;
6. Crisis management and human behaviour training;
7. Ship Security Officer
8. Training for seafarers with designated security duties
9. Proficiency in survival craft and boats other than fast rescue boats;
10. Ship Security-related familiarization security-awareness training
11. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
12. Training in advanced fire-fighting
13. International Safety Management Code
14. Dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes
15. Medical First Aid
16. Safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers
17. Medical Care on Board
18. Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
19. Engine resource management
20. Leadership and Teamwork;
21. Safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all personnel on mobile offshore units
22. Proficiency in fast rescue boats, survival craft and boats other than fast rescue boats for personnel on self-propelled mobile offshore units

V. “Occupational Trainig International” Training Centre

Adress: Izmir Plaza, 2nd floor, 1034 Izmir Street 7A, Yasamal District, Baku, AZ1065
Tel.: (994 12) 447 47 11 /12 /13
Fax: (994 12) 447 47 10
Marketing manager: Tarana Ismayılova

Special training courses are held for crew members in accordance with requirements of STCW-78 International Convention of International Maritime Organization and OPITO International Guidance for personnel of the ships involved in the development of mobile and other offshore units in the Training Centre.

1.Training for seafarers with designated security duties;
2. Ship Security-related training and instruction;
3. Proficiency in survival craft and boats other than fast rescue boats;
4. Training in advanced fire-fighting;
5. Medical first aid;
6. Safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers:
7. Basic Offshore Safety and Induction and Emergency Training;
8. Helicopter underwater escape training;
9. Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S);
10. International Safety Management Code;

VI. Training Centre – “AZPİLOT LLC” Training Centre

Phone: +994 12 564 59 85
Mobil: +994 50 265 76 48
Fax: +994 12 564 59 85
Adress: Azərbaijan, Baku, Y.V. Chamanzaminli str. 1996 AFFEN Plaza , 3rd floor

1. Bridge Team & Resources Management
2. Ship Handling and Maneuvering
3. Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)
4. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System restricted operator
5. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System general operator
6. Radar, ARPA, bridge teamwork and search and rescue (Management Level)
7. Radar navigation, radar plotting and use of ARPA (Operational Level)
8. Ship Diesel Energy Equipment Simulator
9. Medical Care on Board
10. Medical first aid
11. Training in advanced fire-fighting
12. Safety familiarization, basic training and instruction for all seafarers
13. Proficiency in survival craft and boats other than fast rescue boats
14. Passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training
15. Crisis management and human behaviour training
16. Safety training for personnel providing direct service to passengers
17. Crowd management training;
18. Advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations
19. Basic training and qualifications on oil and chemical tanker cargo operations
20. Dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes
21. Ship’s Gas Analysers and Their Operation
22. Inert Gas System
23. International Safety Management Code
24. Ship safety officer
25. Ship Security-related familiarization security-awareness training
26. Training for seafarers with designated security duties
27. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats

VII. Training Centre – “United Alliance Group LTD” Training Centre

Address: Azerbaijan, Baku, AZ1025, Khojali av-e.37,
Demirchi Tower, 19 floor.
Training department manager: Azad Gafarli
Phone: + 99412 4802628
Mobile phone: +99450 2917058