Russian ships supply North Korea with oil and oil products


    In spite of the UN sanctions, Russian tankers supply the North Korea with oil and oil products.

    Report informs referring to the Reuters.

    At least three deliveries were made in October and November. One of the sources said that the tanker Vityaz left the port of Slavyanka near Vladivostok in Russia on October 15 with 1,6 thsd tons of oil. The tanker’s destination was fishing fleet in the Japan Sea. But shipping data showed the vessel switched off its transponder for a few days as it sailed into open waters.

    According to sources, the Vityaz conducted a ship-to-ship transfer with the North Korean flagged Sam Ma 2 tanker in open seas. Owner of “Vityaz” vessel, deputy director of “Alisa” company, Yaroslav Guk denied any contact with the North Korean vessels.

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