PASHA Insurance Company offers marine insurance


    PASHA Insurance Company offers marine insurance contracts for any object of property interest related to marine navigation. The list might include objects as ship, fare, freight, rent, income from the sale of the goods, monetary rewards to the captain and crew and many more.

    Marine insurance includes three main groups of operations:

    Cargo Insurance (cargo)

    Any cargo transported by sea transport can be insured. Insurance is provided under the standard conditions of the Institute of London Underwriters for any of these three types:

    * Responsibility for all risks;
    * Responsibility for private accidents;
    * No liability for damages, except in the case of the shipwreck.

    Insurance of maritime transport, auxiliary means, including ship hulls, machinery and equipment

    PASHA Insurance accepts insurances of property interests associated with operating of the vessel. You can insure the ship against any unforeseen events during sailing, and even for the period of construction.

    Insurance and indemnity

    This type of insurance derived from a possible damage to third parties caused in the course of operating a vessel. It also includes unintentional damage to port facilities due to negligence or accident.

    PASHA Insurance kindly reminds that standard CARGO insurance does not cover above-mentioned risks.