The training center of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company received an international certificate


    Press release of Press Service of “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company

    On July 6-7, the delegation of the influential British organization “The Nautical Institute” issued a certificate to the Dynamic Positioning Simulator of the Training Center of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company. This certificate allows to conduct “DP Induction” and “DP Simulator” trainings.

    The Dynamic Positioning Simulator is a computer control system to maintain the position and course of ships.

    Thus, the Training Center of the Shipping Company is one of 95 centers in the world and the only center in Azerbaijan authorized to conduct trainings of “DP Engineering” and “DP Simulator”.

    It should be noted that the Training Center of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company has done a serious work on certification of the Dynamic Positioning Simulator and accreditation of the Center by the organization “The Nautical Institute”. The center, in accordance with the organization’s standard, updated January 1, 2017, developed training programs, as well as manuals needed for practical trainings and assessment. Along with this, “The system of management of the educational process” applied in the Center has been improved, the level of compliance of the Center’s infrastructure with international requirements has been increased.