The first Shah Deniz 2 platform topsides installed


    Following the successful sail-away of the Shah Deniz 2 Quarters and Utilities (QU) platform topsides on the STB-1 transportation barge, the topsides unit arrived in its location at around 18:00 on 2 July.

    Report was informed in the project operator BP Azerbaijan, yesterday morning (3 July), the float-over operations started with the STB-1 moving slowly into the jacket slot. The float-over operation was completed with full load transfer onto the jacket at 15:00.

    Yesterday evening, the first residents of the new platform – the platform manager and the initial hook-up and commissioning (HUC) team, transferred to the platform to begin HUC operations.

    “This is very good news with the QU deck float over operation successfully completed. And it is great to see it was executed safely.

    I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this milestone through all phases of project preparation and execution”, said Ewan Drummond, BP’s Vice President, Projects.