Belarus to join Caspian oil and gas exhibition in Baku


    Five Belarusian petrochemical companies will take part in the International Oil and Gas Exhibition Caspian Oil & Gas 2017, scheduled for May 31 – June 3 in Baku. According to the Embassy of Belarus in Azerbaijan, the Belarusian booth will feature five enterprises of Belneftekhim: Belorusneft Production Association, Mozyr Oil Refinery OJSC, Naftan OJSC, Belarussian Oil Company CJSC and Seismotechnics OJSC.

    Having rich experience in oil and gas exploration, Belorusneft will present a number of technologies meant for use in the oil fields of Azerbaijan.

    The largest petrochemical complexes of Belarus – Naftan OJSC and Mozyr Oil Refinery OJSC – will also present their products at the exhibition.

    Seismotekhnika Company will present the capabilities of mobile complexes for drilling and overhauling wells from 40 to 250 tons, stationary and echelon drilling rigs with a carrying capacity of up to 345 tons, produced jointly with Drillmec S.p.A, as well as vibration sources of seismic signals. The products of Seismotechnika are not yet represented on the Azerbaijani market, but are well known in Venezuela, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

    Specialists of CJSC Belarusian Oil Company will take part in the conference titled “Oil and Gas, Refining and Petrochemicals of the Caspian Sea”. CJSC “Belarusian Oil Company” is the leading exporter of petroleum products in the country. It has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.